First Lego League Junior.

FIRST LEGO League Jr.* is designed to introduce STEM concepts to kids ages 6 to 10 while exciting them through a brand they know and love − LEGO®.

FLL Jr. World Expo 2018

Houston TX - USA

Team Formation
October - November

Start with basic Lego building, core values and essential team building skills.

2 coaches  with 6 students is ideal for a team.

Problem Research & Field Trips
September - October

To get the real world problem solving approach, 1-2 field trips of half day is required. 

Weekly meetings of 2-3 hours encourage kids to develop sense of team and build a confident problem solving approach.

Regional Expo

Local Expo

April Last Week
World Expo

World Championships contest. Kids will first hand experience how to be confident competent rock starts while having a lot of fun.

Learning together

FLL Jr. program provides early team building and structured problem solving skill development. With focus on problem solving, mutual respect and core values while having fun provides a unique learning experience.

P: +1(682) 990-0326

Give us a call or send us an email, we endeavor to answer all enquiries within 24 hours on business days.